Our Bundles of Blessings was born in 2009 from a need that was seen in the Shoals area. No church or agency was giving diapers, pull-ups, or wipes in bulk to those in need. Magnolia Benevolence Committee decided to use the funds contributed to benevolence to try and meet the needs of families who had babies/small children.
Since 2009 Magnolia members along with three outside grants have funded this ministry. Time is also given unselfishly as it takes 25 to 30 volunteers to conduct a diaper giveaway. In addition to routinely giving diapers, pull-ups, and wipes, items made by our Magnolia members such as baby blankets, booties, knitted caps, and burp cloths are given to newborn babies. Backpacks filled with newborn supplies for new moms and their babies are also given. Some examples of other items given to children are children's Bible story books (English and Spanish), new tennis shoes, socks, coats, underwear, school supplies, to name a few.
Beginning January 2024, a Medicaid Card or Birth Certificate will be required for any child whose parent/guardian request diapers and wipes for that child from Magnolia Church of Christ. These cards will be required to prove the age of the child. No child will be given diapers and wipes without this identification proof.
A partir de enero del año 2024, será un requisito que los padres de familia / tutores legales presenten una tarjeta de Medicaid o un Acta de Nacimiento Certificada cuando soliciten pañales y toallitas húmedas para ese niño / esa niña en particular. Se requerirán esas tarjetas para determinar la edad del niño / de la niña. No será posible recibir pañales y toallitas húmedas sin este comprobante de identificación.